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Tutto quello che potete trovare soltanto nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, la regione bella e interessante tutto l'anno.
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Typical and traditional DISHES of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region


  The friulian cooking reflects completely the three cultures which are at the base of the regional civilization: roman, german, slav.
  Its dishes are simple, but very tasting.
  On the friulian tables there have great importance the cold dishes constituted by very numerous agricultural products, from the cured meats to the cheese, fresh vegetables, desserts in packet, which here are not presented because explained in the chapter 'Cibi e Bevande' (Foods and Drinks).
  In brackets, the Provinces, Zones and Localities where are typical and where you can find it more easily.


NB1. In the pages into which you can enter clicking over the names of the highlighted dishes, in addition to the its description and fotografies, are indicated the restaurants which prepare it with particular care.

NB2. In this web-site we use the wording ‘typical’ when the product or the dish has the official certification of its originality (for example in the P.A.T. list of the Region); the wording ‘traditional’ in all other case, certain being its presence in region at least since 50 years.

NB3. If you want know with which ones of the 50 friulian wines each single dish better joints, you can consult our Matchings Foods-Drinks of Friuli Venezia Giulia List: see page.
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