the region of Middle-Europe beautiful and interesting along the whole year
In this web-site we present all that you can find only in the FriuliVeneziaGiulia region , one of the more singular regions of Italia and Europe, not only for the surprising variety of the landscapes, but also for an original civilization which has been able to harmonize the fancifulness of the Celts with the practicalness of the Romans and the emotivity of the Slavs, in the form frame of the rational lombardic culture. The richness of the friulian territory and civilization can be perceived in our symbolic illustration of the FriuliTipico (Typical Friuli) which portrays synthetically the multiplicity of the natural environments, from the sea to the mountains, and the various types of historical residences which well represent the mosaic of the regional identity developed in more than a thousand years thanks only to the moral vigour of the Patriarchate (the basilica of which is drawn as a point of civil reference and religious spread).

The whole on civil foundations built in two hundred years by the Lombardic Dukes in the four provinces of the region, as will represent our stylized drawing of the famous ‘Corona ferrea’ (Iron Crown) symbol of the lombardic people.

The iron Crown of the Lombardic Dukes (preserved in the Duomo of Monza town) and the banner with the eagle symbol of the religious and, later, political government of the Patriarchate of Aquileia.
With a system with synthetic sectorial tables from which you can easily (three clicks) enter into hundreds of pages, the present web-site FriuliTipico illustrates, with precision and essential completeness, all and only the products, the objects and the events of Agriculture, Gastronomy, Crafts, restoration and touristic accommodation activities, the attractions of History, Arts and Nature which are clearly typical because strictly tied to the territory of the FriuliVeneziaGiulia region. So this web-site constitutes a proper touristic and cultural guide, but also a complete gastronomic guide of the region.
To discover and try a lot of news and curious things and to enrich your culture.
Friulitipico is a creation AREA ENERGY-UDINE © Copyright 2015 Andrea Moro Editore Tolmezzo (UD) ) on editorial pattern, all not advertising texts, illustrated maps and own made photographies. © Copyright 2015 Casa Editrice Tabacco Tavagnacco (UD) on the cartographies.