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In FVG, the region with thousand churches, every village, every working category, every cultural club is naturally inclined to check the own identity and to enhance the own activity once in the year with a party that everybody may go to. Then, almost every weekend for the whole year the tourist has the chance to live a very special event, both traditional and recently created but however anchored to the territory , from the bonfires and historical shows of the Epifany to the Mysteries of Easter until the cheerfulness of the country festivals in summer, to the market shows of produce in autumn, to the cribs in December.
The over 400 typical events that yearly happen in the region are listed, Zone by Zone, in the 20 chapters of the section ZONES and LOCALITIES when only the 100 more important of it, on typology or dimension, are also identifiable, in chronological order, in the great Events’ Calendar of this page, but not more than one of the events with the same subject.
The 100 main events in Friuli Venezia Giulia region
NB. The selected events recur every year in the indicated month, but inside it days, weekend (WE) or weeks could be changed, even if a little, by the organizers. There are not mentioned shows and trade fairs which present attractions and products coming from outside the own Zone (for example, the well-known Friuli Doc):
JANUARY (4-5-6): 'Panquin' in the Magredi of Vivaro with Parade of the Magi and bonfire with presages (PN) JANUARY (5-6): Epifany at Tarcento with historical parade, presages, race of burning carts, big bonfires and fire works (UD) JANUARY (6): 'Messa dello spadone' (Mass of the big sword) and parade in period costume at Cividale del Friuli (UD) JANUARY (6): Historical parade and 'Messa del tallero' (Mass of the thaler) with bonfire at Gemona del Friuli (UD) JANUARY (3° Sunday + 21): 'Sagra contadina' (Rural festival) of S. Agnese with little market and tasting of 'pistuns e gambarei', 'Marcialonga delle risorgive' (Resurgences marathon walk) at Joannis of Aiello (UD) CARNIVAL: in the villages Parades and sketchs of the typical masks of the Natisone Valleys in the 'Carnevale di Pulfero' (UD) CARNIVAL: 'Zahar Voschang' a Sauris (Carnival at Sauris) with typical wooden masks and night parade (UD) CARNIVAL (Sunday): 'Carnevale di Paularo' with floats and the costume-sculptures of Ravinis (UD) CARNIVAL: 'Carnevale di Muggia' with big floats and band concerts (TS) CARNIVAL (Saturday): 'Carnevale carsico' (Karstic Carnival) at Opicina of Trieste (TS) CARNIVAL (Tuesday): 'Corteo degli sposi' (Parade of the newly-wed couple), 'Testamento (Will) di Sior Anzoleto' and Parade of carts at Monfalcone (GO) CARNIVAL Ending (Thursday after 3° WE of Lent): 'Processo e rogo della Vecia' (Trial and stake of the witch) at Pordenone (PN) MARCH (2° 3° WE): 'Festa del Vino' (Wine Festival) at Bertiolo (UD) MARCH (4° WE): 'I sapori della Tradizione' (Tastes of the Tradition) at Trieste with kiosks and folk shows (TS) GOOD FRIDAY: 'Sacra Rappresentazione' (Mystery) at Erto-Casso (PN) GOOD FRIDAY: 'Sacra rappresentazione' (Mystery) at Ciconicco of Fagagna (UD) EASTER: 'Sagra delle rane' (Frogs Festival) at Travesio (PN) APRIL (2° WE): 'Festa dell’aria e degli aquiloni' (Air and kites festival) at Torviscosa (UD) APRIL 25 and all WE until 3° WE of May: 'Sagra delle rane' (Frog festival) at Rivis of Sedegliano on the banks of the Tagliamento river (UD) APRIL (3° e 4° WE + 25): 'Festa del Vino' (Wine festival) at San Cassiano of Brugnera with gastronomy and the ‘Mercato della creatività’ (Creativity market) (PN) APRIL (4° WE): 'Festa del salame' (Salami festival) at Romans d’Isonzo (GO) APRIL 25 - 10 Maggio: 'Maggio Castionese' (May of Castions) at Castions di Strada with parade of the local artistic masks (UD) APRIL (last WE) and May (1° WE): 'Fiera dei vini' (Wines fair) at Buttrio, with various exhibitions, parades and in costume competitions (UD) MAY (1° WE): Majenca - 'Sagra e Mostra dei vini locali' (Local wines festival and exhibition) at San Dorligo della Valle (TS) MAY (1° WE): 'Festa di Primavera' (Spring festival) with the medieval 'Corsa del Sediòl' (Chair race) at Porcia (PN) MAY (1° 2° 3° WE): 'Fiera degli Asparagi bianchi' (White asparagus festival) at Tavagnacco (UD) MAY: 'Sagra degli Asparagi bianchi e verdi' (White and green asparagus festival) at San Vito al Torre (UD) MAY (3° WE): 'Festa di Primavera' (Spring festival) on the ancient hill of Buja with bull on the spit (UD) MAY (3° WE): 'Fiera dei vini dei Colli Orientali del Friuli' (Friulian Eastern hills Wines fair) at Corno di Rosazzo (UD) MAY (4° Saturday): The 'Maja' folk woodland ritual at Camporosso of Tarvisio (UD) MAY (4° Weekend): 'Festa delle meridiane' (Sundials festival) at Ajello del Friuli (UD) MAY ( 4° WE + Monday): 'Sagra delle lumache' (Snails festival) at Trivignano Udinese (UD) MAY (last WE): 'Festa dei Glaudins' (Wild asparagus festival) at Visinale of Corno di Rosazzo (UD) MAY (last WE): 'Festa dell’olio di oliva friulano' (Friulian olive oil festival) at Rosazzo and at Oleis of Manzano (UD) MAY last WE - 1° WE JUNE: 'Sagra della Trota' (Trout festival) at Bagnarola and 'Festa di Primavera' (Spring festival) at Sesto al Reghena (PN) ASCENSION: 'Bacio delle croci' (Crosses kissing) and 'Lancio das Cidulas' (Burning discs throwing) at Zuglio (UD) JUNE (1° WE): 'Tradiziòn Cjastelane' (Castle tradition) at Castelnovo del Friuli with typical dishes, wild herbs and the local native wines (PN) JUNE (1° and 2° WE): 'Festa del vino e delle fragole' (Wine and strawberries festival) at Faedis (UD) JUNE (2° WE): 'San Vito feast' at Marano Lagunare with procession in the village and on the sea, stroke races, fish gastronomy (UD) JUNE (2° WE): 'Arti e sapori' (Arts and tastes) of the Valcellina at Claut (PN) JUNE (3° WE): 'Solstizio d’estate' (Summer solstice) at Ravascletto with Celts, Sbilfs and wild herbs (UD) JUNE (3° WE): 'Mostra del Formaggio Montasio' (Montasio cheese exhibition) and of the local products at Azzano Decimo (PN) JUNE (3° WE): 'Sagra del coniglio' (Rabbit fair) with various recipes at San Nicolò of Manzano (UD) JUNE (22): 'Falò e musica nella magica notte di San Giovanni' (Bonfires and music in the S.Giovanni magic night) on the elevations of Tribil near Drenchia (UD) JUNE (24 - last WE) - 1° WE JULY: 'Festa delle erbe e dei fiori' (Herbs and flowers festival) at Cercivento with blessing of the 'Mac di San Giuan', throwing of the 'cidulas' (burning discs) and artistic and cultural events JUNE (last WE) – JULY (1° WE): 'Sagra delle fragole e dei lamponi' (Strawberries and raspberries festival) ad Attimis, with amusing competitions and championship of accordions (UD) JUNE (last WE): 'Aria di festa' (Festive air) at San Daniele with tasting of the famous raw ham (UD) JUNE (last Sunday): 'Fuc di San Pieri' (San Pieri's fire) at Moggio Udinese (UD) JUNE (last Sunday): 'Festa di San Giovanni' (S.Giovanni feast) at Prata with ancient rite Mass and medieval banquet (PN) JULY (1° WE): 'Mestieri, Arti, Sapori' (Crafts, Arts, Tastes) of Val d’Arzino at Forgaria nel Friuli (UD) JULY (1° WE): 'Festa del Perdon' (Forgiveness feast) of Barbana with procession on boats from Grado in the lagoon to the little Barbana island (GO) JULY (3° WE): 'Festa del Formaggio' (Cheese festival) in the historical hydroelectric plant at Malnisio of Montereale (PN) JULY(2° WE): 'Maniago in festa' (Celebrating Maniago) with the cutlery exhibition and market (PN) JULY: 'Sagra delle Pesche' (Peaches fair) at Gonars (UD) JULY (2° WE): 'Rievocazione storica' (Historical remininiscent play) at Palmanova with guided visits to the fortress and dinners in the quarters (UD) JULY (2° and 3° WE): 'Mostra del vino e dell’olio di oliva' (Wine and olive oil exhibition) at Caneva (PN) JULY (2° Sunday): 'Festa della Trebbiatura' (Treshing festival) at Fagagna (UD) JULY (3° WE): Exhibition and market of the Wooden objects and tools at Erto-Casso (PN) JULY (4° WE): 'Fasìn la mede – Festa della fienagione' (Haymaking festival) at Sutrio (UD) JULY (last two WE): 'Festa della vera Pitina' (True Pitina festival) at Tramonti di Sopra (PN) JULY (last WE): 'Festa regionale del Pane' (Regional Bread festival) at Palazzolo dello Stella (UD) JULY (last WE): 'Mistìrs' (Crafts) at Paularo where ancient craft and gastronomic traditions live again (UD) AUGUST (whole month): 'Avostanis' - Events and shows of friulian culture and contemporaneous art, local and international, at Villacaccia of Lestizza (UD) (www.colonos.it) AUGUST (1° Saturday): 'Festa della Madonna della neve' (Snow Virgin feast) with procession over the banks of the Stella river at Precenicco (UD) AUGUST (1° WE): 'Festa dei ciclamini' (Cyclamens festival) at Mezzomonte of Polcenigo with popular and wild games (PN) AUGUST (1° WE): 'Sagra de la rassa' (Duck festival) with the traditional backed duck at Basedo of Chions (PN) AUGUST (1-15): 'Agosto Gemonese' (August in Gemona) with reminiscent plays, palio, medieval joust, enogastronomy and crafts at Gemona del Friuli (UD) AUGUST (1-15): 'Festival di Majano' with craft and hobby exhibitions, singing contests (UD) AUGUST (2° WE): 'Sagra e Palio das Cjarogiules' at Paluzza with competitions in wood trasferring (UD) AUGUST (2° WE and 15): 'Festa del Lampone e del Mirtillo' (Raspberry and blueberry festival) at Avasinis of Trasaghis (UD) AUGUST (15): 'Smarnamissa', holy and folk event at Prato of Resia (UD) AUGUST (2 and 3° WE): 'Festa del toro' (Bull festival) at Corgnolo of Porpetto with dogs and birds exhibitions (UD) AUGUST (2° and 3° WE + 15): 'Mostra del Mosaico' (Mosaic exhibition) and 'Rievocazione della Macia' reminiscent play in medieval costumes, challenges, castle dinner at Spilimbergo (PN) AUGUST (WE after 15): 'Sagra dei Osei' (Birds festival) with exhibitions, market and competitions at Sacile (PN) AUGUST (3° WE): ' Coltello in festa' (Celebrating Cut) exhibition of products and demonstration of craft production of the cutlery of the Maniago town; gastronomic events (PN) AUGUST (4° WE): 'Palio dei Rioni' (Palio of the quarters) and medieval historical reminiscent play with dinner in the castle at Cordovado (PN) AUGUST (4° WE): 'Palio di San Donato': 3 days with shows, concerts, medieval entertainements, with final running, bow and cross-bow competitions among the quarters in Cividale del Friuli (UD) AUGUST (4° WE in the odd years): 'Nozze carsiche' (Karstic wedding) at Rupingrande (TS) AUGUST (last two WE): 'Sagra del galletto' (Bantam festival) at Roveredo in Piano (PN) SEPTEMBER (1-10): 'Sagra de la Raza' (Duck festival) at Staranzano, with duck dishes and bicycle ride until Isola della Cona (GO) SEPTEMBER (1-15): 'Festeggiamenti Settembrini' (September festival) at Fagagna with the famous 'Corsa degli Asini' (Dunkeys race) and Palio dei Borghi (Quarters palio) (UD) SEPTEMBER (1° WE): 'Festa della sedia' (Chair festival) at Manzano, with Palio, Cjadrear (chairmaker) trofy, enogastronomy with the local Asperum (balsamic vinegar) and wine gellys (UD) SEPTEMBER (1° WE): 'Medioevo (Middle Ages) in Valvasone' along three days lived as in the 1300 a.C. (PN) SEPTEMBER (1° WE + 8): 'Antighe sagre des campanelis' (Small bells ancient festival) and Ramandolo Wine festival at Nimis (UD) SEPTEMBER (1° Sunday): 'Torneo medioevale' (Medieval tournament) on horseback at Cormons with parade in renaissance costumes, typical food and ancient crafts (GO) SEPTEMBER (1° Sunday): 'Magia del legno a Sutrio' (Wood's magic) with craftsmen and cooks in the courtyards and in the houses (UD) SEPTEMBER (1° Sunday): 'Sagra dei cesti' (Baskets festival) at Polcenigo with gastronomic and craft exhibitions (PN) SEPTEMBER (1° Sunday): 'Paesi aperti' (Open villages) with tasting of typical dishes in the houses of Frisanco and Andreis (PN) SEPTEMBER (1° Sunday): 'Festa alpina' (Alpine festival) at Casoni Solarie of Drenchia (UD) SEPTEMBER (2° WE): Arlois e fasois - Orologi e Fagioli (Clock and Beans) at Pesariis of Prato Carnico, the country of the tower clocks (UD) SEPTEMBER (2° WE): 'Palio dei Turchi' (Turkish palio) at Mortegliano with historical reminiscent play and horse race (UD) September (3° WE): 'Mostra mercato del formaggio e della ricotta di malga' (Exhibition-market of sheferd's hut cheese and ricotta) at Enemonzo (UD) September (3° WE): 'Festa dei fiori di carta' (Paper flowers festival) with exhibition-market and 'Sagra del Perdòn' (Forgiveness feast) at Prestento of Torreano di Cividale (UD) SEPTEMBER (3° WE): 'Mostra mercato del raccolto e dell’aglio resiano' (Exhibition-market of the harvest and of the Resia garlic) at Resia (UD) SETTEMBER (3° WE): 'Giostra del castello' (Castle Joust) at Torre of Pordenone (PN) SETTEMBER (last WE) – October (1° WE): 'Mostra regionale della mela' (Regional Apple exhibition) at Pantianicco of Mereto di Tomba (UD) OCTOBER (all WE): 'Festa delle castagne e del miele di castagno' (Chestnuts and chestnut three honey festival) at Valle of Soffumbergo near Faedis (UD) OCTOBER (all WE): 'Mese delle Castagne' (Month of the Chesnuts), of the Gubana and local typical products at San Pietro al Natisone (UD) OCTOBER (1° WE): 'Festa della mela e dei prodotti carnici' (Carnic Apples and Produce festival) at Tolmezzo (UD) OCTOBER (1° WE): 'Palio medioevale di San Pietro' (S.Pietro medieval palio) at Ragogna (UD) OCTOBER (2° WE): 'La Barcolana' at Trieste, sailing, gastronomic and cultural week, culminating in the Coppa d’Autunno regatta (TS) OCTOBER (3° WE): 'Frutti Acque e castelli - Festa d’Autunno' (Fruit Waters and Castles - Autumn festival) in the castle of Strassoldo near Cervignano (UD) OCTOBER (3° Sunday): Festa della foresta (Forest festival) at Malborghetto-Valbruna (UD) OCTOBER (4° WE): 'Festa della zucca' (Pumpkin festival) at Venzone in a unique medieval place (UD) (coming again in 2015) NOVEMBER (1 and 2): 'Festa di Ognissanti o di Halloween' (All Saints feast) typical of Celtic Friuli at Rivignano and at Enemonzo (UD) NOVEMBER (1° 2° 3° WE): 'Sagra dell’Oca' (Goose festival) in the villa of Bolzano near Morsano al Tagliamento (PN) NOVEMBER (3° WE): 'Fiera di S. Elisabetta - Sagra del Tacchino' (S.Elisabetta feast - Turkey festival) at Romans d’Isonzo (GO) DECEMBER (6): Krampus (horrifying masks) at Tarvisio with parade and sketchs in the centre streets (UD) DECEMBER (1° WE): 'Purcìt in stajare - Maiale in festa' (Pork festival) in the courtyards and cellars of Artegna (UD) DECEMBER 17- 7 JANUARY: 'Natale a Sutrio' (Christmas at Sutrio) with artistic and animated cribs (UD) DECEMBER 23 - 20 JANUARY: 'Grandioso Presepio' (Great Crib) with full scale statues and living animals at Corgnolo of Porpetto (UD) DECEMBER 23 – 3° Sunday JANUARY: 'Presepi monumentale' (Monumental Crib) at Ara near Tricesimo (UD) CHRISTMAS (night): Mass and laying of the Presepio (Crib) in the small lake of Cornino near Forgaria nel Friuli (UD) CHRISTMAS (night): 'Natale in grotta' (Christmas in the cave) at Pradis di Clauzetto (PN) |