(Italia – Friuli Venezia Giulia region – province of Pordenone – Homogeneous Zone of Pordenone and Zoppola, Valvasone, S.Vito, Cordovado, Sesto al Reghena) |
With only two other localities in Friuli region, the town of San Vito al Tagliamento had the chance to remain administrated by the Patriarch of Aquileia also under the rule in Friuli of the Republic of Venezia, from 1420 to 1790. That was a guarantie of unceasing economic and cultural development , of which still remain, thanks to a very long period of peace, several vestiges. The same Patriarch (who considered the locality an out post against the Seigneuries of the Veneto and who here had a fixed seat) begun to strengthen its defensive perimeter, completing the walls (a segment of it with a large tower remains at the southern side) along the quadrangular moat and reinforce the three big tower-gates, still existing. The area of San Vito is the more rich, in whole region, of frescos of friulan artists of 1400 and 1500, present in various churches and palaces of the municipal district. |
In the historical centre you can still admire:
- some palaces (one of that with frescos in the outside front) and several period houses in the square on which overlooks also the Duomo of 1700; - the near church and the S.Maria dei Battuti convent (1300); - Palace Rota (1400) municipal seat, at North of the central tower-gate; - palace Tullio-Altan (1600) near the southern tower-gate; - the S.Lorenzo church at West (1400).
Just outside the walls, on the East there are the Visitazione Church, Oratorio and Monastery (1700); at 300 metres the Sanctuary-convent of Madonna di Rosa, known in whole Friuli. |
In the town there are two museums, both located in the historical centre: the Civic museum, which collects historical and artistic vestiges since the prehistory; the Provincial Museum of the rural life.. |
In the hamlets, it merits a visit:
- the suburb of Prodolone at NortH-West, with the ancient area of the castle and the S.Maria delle Grazie church with frescos and precious gilt-wooden altar with fourteen statues of 1500; - the S.Petronilla little church at South-West in a typical environment of wet plain; - the Park of resurgences and the ditch Vigniella, with educational boards and fitted path, at West.
With the certain comfort to find everywhere a public place for refreshing yourself and tasting the typical local dishes, you could make an excursion also in other three interesting localities (out of the map): - at Ca’ Bianca (North-East) with the great building and agrarian complex of Villa Conturbia-Rota of 1700; - at Ligugnana (South-East) where, in via Cragnutto, remains the vestiges of the ‘Casòn’ the public accommodation in which, from 1600, took a break the travellers before to ford the river Tagliamento; - in the same locality, and of the same period the set of manors and agrarian buildings of suburb Braida. |
Recommended typical Producers |
In the municipal area people produce very good cured pork meats (Holiday farm NONIS, San Vito Via Treviso 17, just outside the town toward West - Chions) On high level also the wines (Winery BIANCHI EREDI with Holiday farm LA TORRE DEL FALCO**°°, SAN VITO loc. Prodolone tel.0434-80431 349-0776116 fax 0434-879013 www.bianchieredi.com
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Recommended touristic restaurants |
Classic Restaurants
Restaurant LA PIRAMIDE Hotel PATRIARCA ***° (Historical and fantasy cooking), San Vito via Pascatti 6 (beside the city hall), tel.0434-875555 www.ristorantelapiramide.com
Trattoria Bar AL COLOMBO***° (Typical and seasonal natural cooking), San Vito via Roma 4 (just outside the eastern gate-tower), tel.0434-80176 (Tuesday evening and wednesday closed)
Holiday farm refreshment
Holiday farm NONIS *°°°(Typical friulian cooking), San Vito via Treviso 17 (just outside the town at West), tel. 392-4529399. Open: in summer every day except monday; in winter friday, saturday, sunday
Holiday farm ALLE ANTICHE MURA (cold dishes only), San Vito loc.Savorgnano via Di Mezzo 8, tel.0434-875977 338-4534783 (open every day 17-22.00; monday closed)
Holiday farm LA TORRE DEL FALCO**°° of Eredi Bianchi, SAN VITO loc. Prodolone, tel. 0434-80431 349.0776116 fax.0434-879013 www.bianchieredi.com
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/ Hot cooking: at evening from friday to sunday (from 1 January to 1 February closed) |
Recommended touristic accommodation
Hotel Restaurant PATRIARCA***°, San Vito al Tagliamento via Pascatti 6 (centre), tel.0434-875555 www.hotelpatriarca.it / 28 bed-rooms (also for disabled), 1 suite, banqueting and meeting rooms.
Holiday Farms
Holiday farm NONIS**°°, San Vito via Treviso 17 (just outside the town at West), tel. 392-4529399 (always open)
Holiday farm LA TORRE DEL FALCO**°° of Eredi Bianchi, SAN VITO loc. Prodolone tel.0434-80431 349-0776116 fax 0434-879013 www.bianchieredi.com
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