The FVG region is situated in the centre of Europe (in the southern part of it named Middle-Europe) and is one of the 20 regions of the Republic of Italia, of which it occupies about the 2% of the territory (kmq 7850) and of the population (1.200.000 inhabitants).
The Friuli is one of the crossroads of the Europe in every direction. It is very easy to reach both by motorway (A4 Venezia-Trieste e A23 Palmanova-Tarviso-Vienna) , railway (Venezia-Viennna, Venezia-Trieste), airplane (regional airport of Ronchi dei legionary and interregional airport Marco Polo of Venezia) and sea (harbour of Trieste). |
In the hearth of Alpe-Adria area
The privilege of the FVG (shared with the Veneto and with the Slovenija) is to include both high mountains area in the Alpes and coast areas on the Adriatic Sea (from this fact the name Alpe-Adria area or region): this area is characteristic for a good temperate climate and for a large variety of landscape and naturalistic elements, two point very interesting for the recreational and cultural tourism.
The FVG is one of the more advanced european regions also on the economic plain because it can rely on the natural attitude of its inhabitants to the technical activities which has carrying to the creation of a great number of factories in the sectors of furniture, electrical appliances, mechanics, boats, plan engineering, robotics, scientific research, besides a qualified production of typical food and drink and crafts of high level. |
The four provinces of FVG Subdivided in 20 homogeneous zones
Pordenone |
Udine |
Gorizia |
Trieste |
The FVG is divided in 4 provinces (Pordenone, Udine, Gorizia, Trieste) that our web-site FriuliTipico presents still further subdivided in 20 zone different each other, but everyone homogeneous for natural environment, climate, history, productions and traditions. The subdivision is very useful to succeed in well knowing all attractions of FVG which are very interesting but small: however in each zone there is at least one touristic place of international importance.
The main and centuries-old designation of the region is ‘Friuli’ (from ‘Forum Julii’ the roman name of Cividale: the square of Gaius Julius Caesar) to which has been added, after the first World War, the wording Venezia Giulia to indicate the territories conquered to the Austria at East of the Isonzo river, the main of which, besides the provinces of Gorizia and Trieste, was the more large province of Istria, that more is not more Italian since 1945 and that was the unique province lied to the Republic of Venezia. |
The natural environment of the FVG region is particularly various and interesting in all seasons.
It can be subdivided in even 7 characteristic belts: the mountain (Friulian Dolomiti, Alpi Carniche, Alpi Giulie, over m 500 a.s.l. ), the low mountain (six areas from 300 to 500 m a.s.l.), the hill (six groups, until 300 m a.s.l.), the dry flat land, the wet flatland rich of resurgences and rivers, the sandy beachs and the lagoons, the rock riviera.There are however about ten karstic, morainic, subalpine, alpine lakes. The regional territory is naturally and historically delimited by three rivers: Isonzo at East, Tagliamento in the middle, Livenza at West. There are about 30 parks and natural reserves emblematic of all areas.
All the attractions of FVG are easy to reach for the tourist because the most far one is no more than an hour of driving (thanks also to the very good road network) from the centre of the region. |
For other notices, regarding over all the playful and recreational tourism, you can consult the official web-site of the regional administration: ww.turismofvg.it www.turismofvg.it