Tutto quello che potete trovare soltanto nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, la regione bella e interessante tutto l'anno.
The History, Arts and Natural Environment of Friuli Venezia Giulia region |
In the region Friuli Venezia Giulia there are about 300 attractions of historical-artistic kind that can be enjoyed directly and freely by the tourist (then, the museum are named only in the files of the single localities): the more interesting 80 ones are listed in the sub-section ATTRATTIVE ed EPOCHE STORICO-ARTISTICHE while the remaining ones are indicated zone by zone in the Section Località e Zone. Of the 100 environment and naturalistic rarities the main 20 ones are presented in the subsection NATURALISTIC ENVIRONMENT and RARITIES while the smaller ones are reported zone by zone in the section Localita e Zone.