Raw Hams of Friuli: San Daniele, Sauris, Cormons, Carso and the 'nostrani' of mountain, hill, flatland
The quality of a good raw ham is principally the result of the ventilation: in fact this is the unique system for gradually eliminating from the pork tissues whole water, which is the element able to spoil the meat. Not for nothing the locality of San Daniele has became famous in the food industry for its fresh and , over all, windy microclimate which allow a perfect ripening in only 13 months For every kind of raw ham we indicate at least one Producer with the direct sale and one tasting point.
The Raw Ham of SAN DANIELE
Very known, one of the strength point of San Daniele ham is the activity of the ‘Consorzio’ (Association of Producers) of protection which guaranties the constancy of the product quality in every associated firm. For this reason we do not name Producers of San Daniele, also because almost all firms have the factory shop open to the public and are quickly and every were in the town available both in situ and by telephone, being all in the municipal district of San Daniele. We signal only the Consorzio Prosciutto di San Daniele, Via Umberto 1°, San Daniele del Friuli Tel.0432-957515 www.prosciuttosandaniele.it.
Recommended tasting points of the San Daniele raw ham in the same San Daniele town
Restaurant Osteria AL TIRASSEGNO***°, SAN DANIELE del Friuli 33038 UD, via Battisti 2, tel./fax.0432- 955186, www.altirassegno.it / Tasting of typical products (18 months seasoned Ham with compotes and vegetables in oil from our synergetic kitchen garden); seasonal Menu with the best typical friulian, area and fantasy dishes ever with 40 choices, grilled meat and bred and pasta homemade / Large parking; garden in summer / Open 10-15.00/18-24.00 (sunday evening and monday closed)
L’OSTERIA DI TANCREDI**°°, SAN DANIELE DEL FRIULI 33038 UD, via Sabotino 10 (50 m at North of the Duomo), tel.0432-941594 fax.0432-943224 www.osteriaditancredi.it / A comfortable little restaurant for tasting the local ham (but also homemade cured pork meats, smoked trout, local cheeses), the area cooking (truly traditional and innovative), the best friulian wines / Open: 11-15/18-22.30 (wednesday closed)
Holiday farm CONTESSI Manuel**°° San Daniele del Friuli borgo Chiamansi via Regane 12, tel. fax. 0432-940988 347-1124377 www.agriturismocontessi.com / Cold and hot typical and homemade cooking from thursday to sunday (January an February closed) / Accommodation in rooms
Recommended tasting and sale points of the San Daniele raw ham (‘prosciutterie’) in other places of the Friuli region
MERLINO of Rottaro Luca and Sandra ss, NIMIS (33045 UD) via Carducci 47, tel./fax. 0432-797362 347-8931342 www.merlinovini.it / Typical local wines (Ramandolo Docg, Picolit, Refosco pr, Red and white grape blends) by measure and in bottle (from € 5) / Open whole year 16.30 (17.00 in summer)-21.00, saturady and sunday 10-21.00 (EN/DE/HR)
Trattoria Bar AL FURLAN**°° of Simona Zussino, TARCENTO 33017 UD, via Oltretorre 55, tel.0432-1730398 / Typical friulian and seasonal cooking, with own exclusive dishes as starters, first and second courses (in summer touristic menu € 13) / Hot cooking open all the days for lunch and thursday, friday, saturday, sunday also for dinner (other evenings on booking; closed sunday evening in winter); bar open 7.00 (9.00 saturday and sunday )-21.00 (00.00 thursday, friday, saturday, sunday) (see file)
Osteria with cooking ALLA GHIACCIAIA**°°, Udine 33100 UD, via Zanon 13, tel.0432-502471 / In the centre of the town, in an historical building with veranda on ditch and summer pergola, you can enjoy the most typical friulan specialities (and original and rare cured meats and cheese) and the classic italian and international dishes / Doc Colli Orientali wines / Monday closed
Osteria with cooking and accommodation GRAPPOLO D’ORO**°°, ARBA 33090 PN, p. 4 Novembre 14, tel.0427-93019-939247 346-4763872 fax.0427-789977
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/ Dishes and typical local wines regional (from Valcellina but also from Trieste Riviera) and national; fresh produce of the area and every day homemade bread; regional sea food / Tasting of the best regional (pitina, salted cheese, wild boar, sardoni in saor...) and national products / Monday closed
Prosciutteria Trattoria Bar MARTINUZZI**°°, ATTIMIS UD, loc Racchiuso piazza della Chiesa 6, tel.0432-789038 – 789757, www.prosciutteriamartinuzzi.it / Snacks with San Daniele Raw Ham (also 20 months seasoned; sale takeaway) and other typical cured meats; traditional friulian cooking / Open 7-24.00; wednesday closed
Holiday farm NADALI ILVO, MARIANO del Friuli 34070 GO, loc. Corona via Gorizia 9 (1 km at East of new roundabout of Mariano), tel.0481-69410 www.nadali.it / Cold cooking in summer and hot cooking in winter with some typical dishes / Direct sale of wines in bottle and bag-in-box: from friday to tuesday 10-13.00/16-21.00 / Guided tastings for groups and visit to the winery 18 months seasoned Raw Ham
Local Raw Ham of the Friuli VG region: mountain, hill, flat land and some particular localities
In the Friuli VG region they however are numerous the areas that enjoy a very good ventilation thanks to the proximity of the sea to the mountains. In addition to the more known localities below indicated, several areas in fact produce very good raw hams that people names ‘nostrani’ (local) every one with significant nuances. Then besides the famous San Daniele, in Friuli other six types if raw ham are worthy of an rewarding tasting.
Friulian mountains Raw Ham
It is principally produced in Carnia area
Friulian Raw Ham of Sauris
Although famous for its smoking, really the goodness and the particular flavour the Raw ham of Sauris are due just to the type of air and climate of the locality of Sauris. So for other cured pork meats produced in this place today is adopted the simple wording ‘of Sauris’.
Recommanded Producers
Ham, sausage and salami factory WOLF SAURIS spa,via Sauris di Sotto 88, Sauris 33020 UD, tel.0433-86054 fax. 0433-86149 N.Verde Clienti 800-229184 www.wolfsauris.it
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Certif. Qualità ISO 9002 / Farm store open whole year every day
Recommended tasting and sale points of the Sauris raw ham
Osteria with cooking and accommodation GRAPPOLO D’ORO**°°, ARBA 33090 PN, p. 4 Novembre 14, tel.0427-93019-939247 346-4763872 fax.0427-789977
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/ Typical local dishes and wines, regional (from Valcellina but also from Trieste), italian all with fresh produce of the area and everyday homemade bread; sea-food / Tasting of the best regional (pitina, salt cheese, wild boar, pilchard with herbs...) and national products / Monday closed
Friulian Raw Ham of Hill
Traditionally made by little local Factories from San Daniele to Gorizia
Recommended Producers
DEL DO’ ALDIVA, MORUZZO 33030 UD, via Calcina 8, tel.0432-672410 338-7184642 333-2003138 / Every types oforganic cured pork meats fresh and seasoned, vegetables, fruit, apple juice verdure, frutta / Direct sale, also of other organic produce, in Udine via Maniago 4/b tel.0432-477355 friday and saturday 9-13.00/ 16.30-19.30.
Farm F.lli GIACOMINI, TARCENTO 33043 UD, via Dante 107, tel.0432-782076 347-2374856
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/ Fresh and cured pork meats (20 types, seasoned and for coking, with unique specialities as ‘crafut’, ‘polmonarie’, ‘salame di costa’, ‘crudo’ of 24 months / Beef (20 cuts, 10 preparations also co oked) from hilly farming: all our meat is GMO free / Shop open thursday, friday, saturday 8.30-12.30/15.30-19.00 |
The Raw Ham of Fagagna
It is not yet officially traditional product of Friuli, but we must signal it as ham ‘Crudo di Fagagna’ because, by the tradition of originality of the Fagagna community, it is made not with haunch but with the loin of the pork. That gives the result of a more delicate taste and lighter tenderness of the meat. In addition, the ‘Raw of Fagagna’ does not need a long ripening (only 7-8 months). The meat derives from pigs of breed specially selected , exclusively raised in the Food district of San Daniele’ and with traditional methods.
Recommended Producer and Tasting Point
Butcher's shop and Delicatessen MARIO LIZZI, FAGAGNA 33040 UD, via Umberto I 29, tel.0432-800376 / Beef (from own bred), pork and donkey meats, ready-to-cooking and hot dishes takeaway, own cured pork meats / Open: from monday to saturday 8.00-13.00; from thursday to saturday also 15.30-19.30 (Tasting in the adjacent Bar Restaurant 'Al Bacar') / (see file)
Friulian-habsburg Raw Ham of Cormons
The middle-european tradition of the smoking has contributed to the success of another very fine raw ham of the Friuli. The Raw ham of Cormons. But, besides the light smoking, the true secret lies in the climate of this town, especially mild, and in the wonderful simplicity with which this ham is ventilated: in the great historical house of the factory the hams are riped opening (humidity permitting) every evening the windows and closing them at the morning
D’OSVALDO, Cormons via Dante 40, tel.0481-61644 / Following the ancient habsburg traditions we produce, with light smoking, Ham, Speck, Bacon: ever open on call.
Tasting Points of the Raw Ham of Cormons in other localities af the region
Holiday farm VILLA DEL GELSO of Gandin Edi, SAN PIER d’Isonzo 34070 GO loc. San Zanùt 51 tel. 338-1212016 fax. 0481-709932
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/ Cold cooking with local and regional specialities (cured pork meats of Cormons, artisan Latteria cheese) / On sale Doc Wines by measure, b.i.b and in bottle / Open from monday to friday 17-21.00, saturday and sunday ica 10-13.30 / 17-21.00( tuesday closed) (vedi scheda)
Restaurant AL MONASTERO***°, CIVIDALE del Friuli 33043 UD, via A. Ristori 9, tel./fax. 0432-700808 www.almonastero.com / In the heart of the city, warm and very welcoming small and large rooms, for particular occasions, business dinners, tastings; little historical court for evening meals in summer; typical hearth in winter; frescos of naïve painter Jacun / Wine-shop at hall, also with our ‘Buse dal Lof’ winery in Prepotto / Sunday evening and Monday closed / Holiday apartments
Friulian-slovenian Raw Ham of the Karst
Another area of the Friuli dedicated to the natural preservation of the meat is the Karst. The transnational Italian-slovenian tradition here wants a lightly softer ham and then more fatter (in fact it is cut more thick), but the ripening is always perfect. This raw ham is more tasting, as that one of flat lands, than the ones in the rest of the region. The pigs are breed normally in the semi-wild state. (in the photo, ripening room, hollowed in the rock, of the factory and holiday farm Fattoria Carsica Bajta in Sgonico-Trieste).
Recommended Producers-Tasting Points
Holiday farm KOVAC*°°° of Ivan Lakovic, Doberdò del Lago 34070 GO, vicolo Draga 3, tel.0481-78125 www.kovac.it / 'Tasty and healthy food'; specialities: karstic raw ham, tastes of first courses, mixed grilled meats, in oil vegetables, malvasia and terrano doc / Open 10-24.00 friday, saturday, sunday, public holidays and on booking ( June July August closed) / Catering / Wine on sale by measure and in bottle; pelinkovec.
ANTONIC-PIRC, Loc.Cerolje, Duino-Aurisina 34013 TS, tel.040-299798 340-5847185 www.kmetijaantonic.it /Fresh meats, cured meats and sheep cheese; cured pork meats and Karst Raw Ham / Open: monday, wednesday, friday, saturday 17.00-19.00 and in the Holiday farm in the weekends in April, July and September.
karstic Farm BAJTA of Skerlj Slavko & C., SGONICO 34010 TS, loc. Sales 108, tel.040-2296942 fax.040-2033797 www.bajta.it / Direct sale of beef meats, Cured pork meats (typical raw ham 16 month seasoned), Wines, Vegetables: tuesday and sunday 9-13.00, from wednesday to saturday 9-13.00/16-19.00 / Holiday farm with accommodation, cold and hot cooking from thursday to sunday 10-24.00
Lokanda DEVETAK****, Savogna d'Isonzo 34070 GO, loc. S.Michele del Carso Brežici 22, tel.0481-882488 331-9846067 www.devetak.com / In the changing colours of the karstic tableland, between ever bright sea and sky, relaxing moments in an historical and extremely pleasant and friendly house, and a recharge of energies with unusual products and dishes of a unique land / Open wednesday and thursday at evening, friday saturday and sunday at noon and evening / Osteria 18-24.00.
Friulian Raw Ham of Flat lands
In the wet flat lands from San Vito al Tagliamento to Cervignano (Livenza-Isonzo) a little number of factories are started with the production of raw ham, thanks to the excellent quality of the meats of the pigs breed there. This raw ham needs however a very long ripening (about 24 months) but it is noteworthy on softness and savourness stronger than the ones in the rest of the region.
Recommended Producers
NONIS, San Vito al Tagliamento 33078 PN, via Treviso 17, tel.392-4529399 / Farm ever open in working times; sale also in the weekends in the Holiday farm