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Tutto quello che potete trovare soltanto nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, la regione bella e interessante tutto l'anno.
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT and RARITIES in Friuli Venezia Giulia region
   The natural environment of Friuli Venezia Giulia region is extremely various (the famous italian writer I.Nievo described it ‘a little digest of the universe’).
  Several are moreover the naturalistic rarities of geological, hydrological, botanical kind.

  In this page we indicate the main ones. Other ten and ten of smaller attractions (besides over a hundred of centuries-old threes as ‘natural monuments’) are indicated in the presentation of single zones in the section LOCALITA’ e ZONE.

  The attractions are here presented into Environment Belts which in the region are 7 and extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the 2780 metres of the Coglians Mount, the highest peak of the friulian Alpes, offering in the range of 130 km a great variety of landscapes.

   MOUNTAINS: Fusine Lakes and Mangart Mount (Tarvisio) / Gleris little Valley / Dogna Valley and Montasio Mount (Dogna) / Salino Falls, Sernio Mount and Lanza Plains (Paularo) / Friulian Dolomiti Group with 12 peaks (Natural Park of Forni di Sopra and Cimolais, Claut, Barcis, Andreis) / Torre Valleys and Musi Mounts (Lusevera)
   LOW MOUNTAINS - PREALPES: Vinadia Gorge (Villa Santina) / Cellina Gorge (Barcis) / Pradis Caves and Gorge (Clauzetto) / Arzino Valley / Villanova Caves (Lusevera) / Natisone Valleys with Matajur Mount

HILLS: Storks Reserve (Fagagna) / Cornino little lake and Griffons Reserve (Forgaria) / Natisone Gorge (San Pietro and Premariacco) / Castelnovo del Friuli Hills / Livenza Springs (Polcenigo) / Karstic Tableland and Doberdò Lake / Karstic caves and hollows (Grotta Gigante at Sgonico) / Karstic hills and land (Monrupino) / Val Rosandra Gorge (San Dorligo)

   DRY FLAT LANDS: Cellina and Meduna River-beds, Magredi Wasteland (Vivaro) / Sample Area of Ancient Mooreland (Flaibano) / Tagliamento River-bed
   WET FLAT LANDS: Typical environment of wet plain land (Flambro biotope), Peat-bogs (Flambro and Virco), Resurgences Parks (Codroipo, Talmassons-Flambro-Flambruzzo, Cordenons, San Vito al Tagliamento) / Resurgence rivers (Sterpo di Bertiolo) / Stella river Park (Flambruzzo, Ariis, Rivarotta di Teor, Titiano di Precenicco)
   LOW RIVIERA/LAGOONS: Stella Mouths and Lagoons (Marano e Grado) / Natural Park of Isonzo mouth and Cona Island (Staranzano) / Sandy beaches of Grado and Lignano Sabbiadoro
    HIGH RIVIERA: Duino Cliffs / Sistiana Bay / Mouths of the Timavo underground river

The types of singular natural phenomenons more frequent in Friuli Venezia Giulia region are the Caves, the strongly alluvial Rivers, the Springs and Resurgences, the Lakes, the Gorges, generally included in the numerous natural parks and reserves.


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