Venzone Walled City Where the way leading from Italia to eastern Austria faces up to the narrow passage between the first hard alpine elevations , rises the medieval fortified town of Venzone, from time immemorial, with the near Gemona, guardian of traffics and point of rest for the wayfarers. |
In this splendid little town (completely restored, stone by stone, and embellished after the earthquake of 1976) the points of interest are three: the walls, the Duomo, the medieval houses. |
The Walls
Venzone has been built in 1200. In addition to the walls, 1,3 km long, there remains almost intact also the large moat with the wall retaining the terreplein. They remains also three of the four tower-gates, the more complete of which is the eastern one.
The Duomo
Built in 1300, it is in romanesque-gothic style. The Duomo of Venzone is rich of historical documents and various periods works of art, but over all it has a special brightness in the apse which makes this church one of the higher expressions of the medieval spirituality. The Duomo has been completely rebuilt after the earthquake putting again every stone exactly in the same place where it was before the collapse (anastilosys). So the masterpiece has acquired more value as high work of the wits and the human tenacity
Medieval buildings
Almost all buildings in the city, even thought they have undergone transformation century by century, preserve still the lines and often also the same walls of 1300. They are a dozen the more ancient and rich of architectural lines and stone decorations buildings: besides the great municipal hall, the convent, seven palaces and three houses, scattered in all built-up area. Other two points of interest are: the original adaptation of the ruins of the circular castle, and the internal courts which conserve places of particular fascination.
Venzone presents some interest also on the plane scientific-anthropological. In the circular S.Michele chapel near the Duomo are visible in fact some mummies of local inhabitants of the Middle Ages, perfectly preserved (open every day 9-19.00 in summer, 9-17.00 in winter).
Near the Town all there are two interesting adjoining museums (both open friday 15-19.00, saturday and sunday 9-13.00/15-19.00):
- the Museo della Terra (Earth Museum) with a multiform presentation of the subject The Forest and the Man
- the Museo Tiere Motus (Earth Motus) which shows the earthquake fenomenon both on the local historical plane and on the scientific plane.
In the surroundings of Venzone, we suggest two short excursions:
- To the S.Caterina church of 1400 less than 1 km at East of the built-up area (nice piedmont tableland with view on the town); - at Portis village (2 km at North of Venzone on the Ss 13 road), where you can visit the resurgences of the Pradulin along the pebbly bank of Tagliamento river, few steps at West of the Ss 13 road (beyond railway), and where uoy can admire the river falls on the other side of the valley just behind the village of Portis;
- If you would immerse yourself in an uncontaminated valley, enjoy an attractive view and both realize the harshness of the natural environment from which for thousands years the Venzone inhabitants has obtained their sustenance, we suggest a short trip by car (12 km) and then on foot (340 metres of drop: 1h and 30’ walk) to the splendid little church of S.Antonio upon an elevation of the Venzonassa valley, behind the town. |
Where to stay for sleeping in Venzone
Holiday farm CASALI SCJS*°°° of Sacchetto Tiziano, Venzone 33010 UD, via Strada di Scjs 1 (1 km from the historical centre), tel.340-3284301 380-1733029 / Accommodation in 9 bed-rooms with bath: always open / Attached little Restaurant open from friday to sunday
Recommended restaurants in Venzone
Ristorante Bar CAFFE' VECCHIO, Venzone 33010 UD, Centro storico, tel.0432-985011 / We prepare home typical local filled pastas (tortelli, cjarsons...) and the exclusive pumpkin soup; large choice of grilled or on the spit meat and of game; the original paella by Mother Angeles; 'trippe' in the right season / Near the Museums / Tuesday closed
Holiday Farm CASALI SCJS*°°° of Sacchetto Tiziano, VENZONE 33010 UD, Strada di Scjs 1 (1 km from the historical centre), tel.340-3284301 380-1733029 / In a large garden Cold typical homemade cooking, wine and beer / Minizoo with horses / Open morning and afternoon in Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 15 May to 31 October in 2017
Holiday farm MALGA CONFIN of Ennio Colomba, Venzone 33010 Ud, loc.Confin-Val Venzonassa, Tel.0432-972870 348-5808397 340-2274311 / Accommodation in rooms with 4-6 beds / Cold and hot cooking / Direct sale of cheese / Open from June to September every day (EN- DE)
What to buy typical in Venzone and environs |
Farm ORCOLAT-Malga VALMEDAN, Arta Terme UD 33022, loc.Valle, tel.0433-320081 333-7318243 / Kiosk at Venzone on the main road Ss13 (see down) with direct sale of various ORGANIC CHEESE of cow, she-goat, she-ass, Buttermilk Curd, Butter; Frico, Polenta, Cjarsons vacuum-packed; other specialities of our Alpine hut and of Carnia / Open: 9-13.00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 9-13.00/15-17.30 Saturday.
Recommended route for cyclo-tourists Unbroken red line: only for cycles track Broken red line: normal road with low traffic Dotted red line: normal road with medium-high traffic.
At Venzone runs the Alpe-Adria biketrack that at North and at South of the town divides into three parts: one trought the centre of the town at East; two towards Gemona at West (one track direct along the railway and an other longer track trought Bordano village beyond the Tgliamento river) |
The Venzone railway station is equipped for un/loading of the cycles. |
Location of the Orcolat kiosk (see above) on the main road Ss13 Pontebbana. All the specialities on sale in the kiosk are produced all along summer in the Alpine Hut Malga Valmedan at m 1566 a.s.l. on the Tersadia Mountain (43 km from Venzone) The kiosk-shop is located on the eastern side of the S13 in a large asphalt open space (with entrance at Norh and at South), 1,5 km at the South of Venzone. |
For those arriving from Gemona, the kiosk is 50 meters on the right after the large brown road sign of Venzone-Vençon. (see map below) To the kiosk they can easily arrive also the ciclotourist who is passing on the Ape-Adria biketrack going out into the Ss13 where the track pass from the fields to the old course of railway (third underpass, in front of the military buildings 'Caserme', at South of the railway station) and going for 500 m on the Ss13 towards Gemona.