Olive oil is an excellent food: its only crucial point is the presence of some quantity of fatty acid (‘saturated’ oleic acid) similar to the animal fat and therefore not very recommended for health. The largest part of the oil however is composed by ‘unsaturated’ oleic acid which is salutary, nourishing and perfectly assimilable by the human body. |
This is the reason why the olive oils are subdivided in three main categories: the ‘current’ olive oil with the maximum limit of 3,3% of saturated oleic acid, the ‘virgin’ oil with the 2% limit and finally the more precious ‘extra-virgin’ with the limit of 0,8% (see, for example, a label of extra-virgin olive oil on the market, which is, besides, over the limit). Tanks to the ground type, climate and cultivars, all extra-virgin olive oil made in Friuli VG has the fatty acidity very very low (0,2-03%!), then it may be considered perfect on the health plane. Therefore the friulan olive oil is very recommended for little children, old persons and in light and nourishing diets. Moreover it contains many vitamins (A, D, E, K, B-carotene) and, above all, the antioxidant tocopherols and polyphenols.
Another specific characteristic of the friulan olive oil is the distinguished flavour which is together spicy and bitterish, in measure lighter in the oils of hilly belt of northern Friuli (from Sacile to San Floriano del Collio) and less light in the Riviera of Trieste (from Duino-Aurisina to Muggia) where also the typical colour green-yellow is more marked.Although so singular, the flavour of the friulan oil, elegant and not very aggressive, does not cover but on the contrary enhances the flavours of almost all foods, specially raw and cooked meat, fresh cured meats, white fish, fresh cheeses and pulse vegetables. The personality of this flavour allows, besides, less consumption of the oil and more taste satisfaction. (At right side, the grids for two different extra-virgin blends: middle italian one above and typical friulan of Bruno Casagrande below).
All that is the result of the choice by the Friuli VG Region of a ‘regional’ blend of olive types ('cultivars') in which prevails, with the 50%, the native Bianchera Belica (in the photo) so named because also when totally ripe its colour does not become dark.
The remaining part is composed with other italic cultivar specially selected to guarantee various requirements (as, for example, the pollination) and a perfect organoleptic balance. All friulan olive oils are exclusively pressed in local oil mills, often in the same producing farm. |
Extra-virgin olive oil made in Friuli VG is a high level product with also a rather high price, but this is in downward phase with the growth of the production. Now the lowest price is about € 10/liter in the cheaper container, the 5 litres can, which is beside the bag-in-box of 3 litres and the various size bottles. |
In Friuli Venezia Giulia the Show and Trading Fair given to the friulan olive oil happens in Oleis, village of Manzano Udine, the last weekend of May. |
Recommended Producers of Extra-virgin olive oil in Pordenone Province
Farm BRUNO CASAGRANDE, CANEVA 33070 PN, loc.Fiaschetti via Pasubio 19, tel.0434-779066 fax.0434-779619 (see file) / Production and direct sale of organic friulan extra-virgin olive oil OLIO DEI DOGI (in 0,50-0,75 litres bottles and 3 litres can; prices from € 15/litre) and of organic DOC wines: tuesday-wednesday 8.30-12.30, thurday-friday 14.30-18.30, saturday 9-13.00 (Direct sale point closed until Autumn 2019)
Recommended Producers of Extra-virgin olive oil in Udine Province
ARCANIA srl, RIVE D'ARCANO 33030 UD, loc.Arcano Superiore 11/C, Tel.0432-809500 / Friulan extra-virgin olive oil; organic DOC Friuli-Grave and Colli Orientali del Friuli wines with the brand ‘Castello di Arcano’ / Direct sale to private people in working times
CASA FERIGO - Agriturismo Frasca CLOTZ, Tarcento 33017 UD, loc. Sedilis via Nimis 6, tel.0432-791930 393-0369108 www.agriturismoclotz.it / Production and direct sale of Extra-virgin olive oil, Olive patè, Balsamic vinegar (white of Ramandolo and red of Refosco), Precious sweet-and-sour vegetables / Homemade cooking (closed monday, tuesday and also wednesday in winter); Accomodation in bedrooms (ever open)
Farms LIVON, S. Giovanni al Natisone 33048 UD, loc. Dolegnano via Montarezza 33, tel.0432-757173 fax.0432-757690 www.livon.it / Extra-virgin olive oil of Friuli and Umbria / Doc Collio, Colli Orientali del Friuli, Friuli Grave Wines / Grappa and Acquavite (distilled grape) / Direct sales in working time at Dolegnano via Montarezza 33 and all days in Villa Chiopris, touristic farm accomodation at Chiopris-Viscone via Battisti 6
LIZZI RINO, RAGOGNA 33030 UD, loc.Pignano via Udine 36, tel.0432-957464 / Production with own oil mill and direct sale (on appointment) of Friulan Extra-virgin olive oil
OLISTELLA of Farm Stefani ss, PALAZZOLO dello Stella 33056 UD, via Casali Moretton 30/B Ss 14, tel.0431-586349 335-7681860 www.olistella.com / Production and direct sale of organic friulan Extra-virgin olive oil (in various flavours and various size bottles and bag-in-box) and officinal herbes; Own oil mill also on commission; technical assistance to small producers / Educational farm and Tasting courses / Sports fishing at Torsa near Pocenia
Recommended Producers of Extra-virgin olive oil in Gorizia Province
CODELLI, Mossa 34070 GO, via dei Codelli 15, tel.(estate) 0481-809285-80106 333-6263721 fax.0481-880155 tel.(inverno) 0432-507618 www.codellifahnenfeld.it
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/ First pressing Extra-virgin olive oil / Doc Collio wines / Sale on phone booking or in the near Restaurant L’osteria.
LA FERULA, Staranzano, via Martiri della Libertà 24 (in centro), tel.333-7230677 www.laferula.it / By integrated traditional agricolture Apples (5 types), Apple Chips, Apple Juice and Vinegar, various Fruit (pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums); various Vegetables, white and green Asparagus, by measure and bottled Wines (8 types), extra-virgin olive oil from the own 'Rossare' estate / Open all days, closed sunday.
KOMJANC of Alessio Komjanc e Figli ss, SAN FLORIANO del Collio 34070 GO, loc.Giasbana 35, tel.0481-391228 fax 0481-393454
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/ Extra-virgin olive oil; Collio Wines: direct sale, tasting and visit only for groups on booking.
Recommended Producers of Extra-virgin olive oil in Trieste Province
PAROVEL EURO (PAROVEL VIGNETI E ULIVETI Holiday farm), Bagnoli della Rosandra 34018 TS, loc. Dolina, tel.040-227050 fax.040-227080 www.parovelevents.com / Extra-virgin olive oil ‘Tergeste’ / Tasting and cooking for groups: ever on booking.
RADOVIC NEVO, Duino-Aurisina 34013 TS, loc. Aurisina 138/A, tel.040-200173 www.agriturismiradovic.com (Holiday farm with accomodation; cooking only for groups on booking) / Extra-virgin olive oil with 90% of Bianchera-Belica / Rivera’s Wines by measure and in bottle (Vitovska, Malvasia, Terrano, Refosco): open in working time.
SANCIN, Trieste 34018 TS, loc. Dolina 360 Tel./Fax. 040-228870 Cell.329-2126972
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/ Extra-virgin olive oils of FVG: 100% Bianchera-Belica; Classic blend ‘Celo’; LemonCelo: lemon-oil mixed on own creation / Trieste Riviera’s typical wines. |