The Ciarsòns are a first course dish, consisting in filled pasta (like ‘ravioli’ but bigger in semicircular shape). They are original of Carnia, unique area of Friuli region where they are still present at length both in the families and in the restaurants.
Two are the properties of the Cjarsons:
- there is not an unique recipe, because every one of the dozen valleys of Carnia and of next Canal del Ferro has one or two own recipes (secret always), therefore it is possible identify the Cjarsons only with two large categories: sweet or salted.
- any recipe does not contain meat, but in (almost) all recipes is present the grated smoked ricotta: the filling can be made only with vegetables and fruit, exotic too, (variously mixed) as spinach, onion, maize, chocolate, raisins, cirtron, pear, apple, lemon, leek, herbs, chard, fig, cinnamon, carob… To discovery the more savoury and inventive recipes of Cjarsons is an amusing and informative recreation for tourists in Carnia!
Below we list the Restaurants which have adopted and serve usually also other Filled Pasta that the housewives of the region traditionally prepare and which today ever oftener contain some between the most exclusive and renowned food of the Friuli (as the ‘ravioli’ with San Daniele ham or with ‘formadi frant’ made by Holiday Farm Contessi in S.Daniele del Friuli, in the photos above left).
Widely common are in the region various italian Filled Pastas, but in Friuli they are very accurate with home made pasta and traditional regional fillings (in the photo below, ‘tortellini’ with meat and ‘ravioli’ with boletus mushrooms by Trattoria Blanc in Mossa – Gorizia, near the ‘biechi’ gastronomic flag of the House).
Where you can eat a very good Cjarsons dish in the province of Pordenone
Agriturismo AL RANCH-PIANCAVALLO*°°°, BUDOIA 33070 PN, loc.Dardago via Pedemontana occidentale 40, tel.0434-653047 http://www.agriturismoalranch.it/ / Monday and tuesday closed
Ristorante Bar LA PIRAMIDE***°-Hotel PATRIARCA, SAN VITO al Tagliamento, via Pascatti 6 (in centro presso il Municipio), tel.0434-875555 fax.0434875353 www.hotelpatriarca.it Cjarsons with pitina and tender asìno cheese
Where you can eat a very good Cjarsons dish in the Carnia area
Agriturismo RANDIS*°°°, ARTA TERME 33022, loc.Alzeri di Piano d’Arta (edificio di neo-architettura carnica), tel.329-2316254 www.agriturismorandis.it / Open every day 11-22.00 (in the public holidays non-stop cooking) Salted Cjarsons
Agriturismo MALGA PURA SCHENE WELDE*°°°, Ampezzo 33021 UD, loc. Passo Monte Pura, tel.0433-80599 339-7440818 / Open from June to September every day (until 15 October if good weather) (see page)
Agriturismo AL BORG**°°, PALUZZA 33026 UD, loc.Aip di Cleulis (2 km prima di Timau), tel.0433-779087 348-9684301 328-4616885 / Open friday evening on booking, saturday sunday and public holidays 11-22.00.(see page) Cjarsons neither sweet nor salted
Ristorante Bar CARNIA DA MODESTO**°°, Tolmezzo 33028 UD, via della Vittoria 6 (a fianco Museo Carnico e nuovo Ufficio Turistico), tel.0433-2542 www.ristorantecarnia.com / Open 7 -24.00 (sunday closed) House's Cjarsons
Agriturismo TIZIANO**°°, ENEMONZO 33020 UD, via Nazionale 52, tel.328-4833662 / Open friday 17-24.00, saturday and sunday 10-24.00 non stop cooking (November until 7 December closed) Cjarsons with herbs; Panzerotti with apple and raisins
Where you can eat a very good Cjarsons dish in the northern province of Udine
L’OSTERIA DI TANCREDI**°°, SAN DANIELE del Friuli 33038 UD, via Sabotino 10 (50 metri a Nord del Duomo), tel.0432-941594 fax.0432-943224 http://www.osteriaditancredi.it/ / Open 11-15/18-22.30 (closed wednesday) Sweet-salted Cjarsons
Ristorante AI 9 CASTELLI***°, FAEDIS 33040 UD, via Udine 63, tel.0432-728959 338-8555155, www.novecastelli.it / Open every day House's Cjarsons and Ravioli
Ristorante Osteria AL CANTINON***°, SAN DANIELE del Friuli 33038 UD, via C:Battisti 2, tel./fax.0432- 955186, www.alcantinon.it / Open 10-15.00/18-24.00 (thursday closed, open in summer from 18 June) Cjarsons, Ravioli and other Filled Pasta
Ristorante AL MONASTERO***°, CIVIDALE del Friuli 33043 UD, via A. Ristori 9, tel./fax. 0432-700808 www.almonastero.com / Sunday evening and monday closed / Holiday apartments 'Cjalcions of the Monastero'
Ristorante OSTERIA DI VILLAFREDDA***°, TARCENTO 33017 UD, Loc. Loneriacco via Liruti 7 (edificio tipico storico con fogolar e pergolato), tel./fax. 0432-792153 www.villafredda.com / Open in cooking time; Sunday evening and monday closed 'Cjarsons of Villafredda'
Ristorante Hotel COSTANTINI****, TARCENTO 33017 UD, loc.Collalto via Pontebbana 12, tel./fax.0432-792004-792372 www.albergocostantini.com / Sunday evening and monday closed Sweet-salted Cjarsons
Where you can eat a very good Filled Pasta in the Friuli region
Antica Osteria con cucina AL LIRON**°°, CIVIDALE del Friuli 33043 UD, via Fornalis 185 (2,5 km a Sud-Est del centro storico), tel./fax.0432-730790 / Wednesday closed / Touristic accommodation (see page) Ravioli with Montasio cheese
Agriturismo ALLA COLLINA**°° di Dugaro Giorgio, CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI, 33043 UD, loc.Fornalis Strada dei boschi 4 (2 km verso Prepotto), tel.0432-730769 346-8559777
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/ Open saturday and sunday 10-22.00 or on booking (cold cooking from wednesday to sunday) (see page) Ravioli with meat-spinach and with chestnuts
Agriturismo CORTIVO PANCOTTO**°° di Luca Pancotto, Caneva 33070 PN, loc. Fratta via Damiano Chiesa 6, tel.329-9884252 www.cortivopancotto.it / Open from October to May: friday and saturday evening, sunday noon; other days only on booking for groups Ravioli
Osteria con cucina e camere GRAPPOLO D’ORO**°°, ARBA 33090 PN, p. 4 Novembre 14, tel.0427-93019-939247 346-4763872 fax.0427-789977
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/ Monday closed Caramelle with pear and cheese and various fillings; Ravioloni
Agriturismo STARA BABA**°°, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE 33049 UD, loc.Clenia 27 (3 km da Ponte S.Quirino verso Savogna) tel.0432-727373 / Open friday 18-23.00, saturday sunday and public holidays 10-23.00 Tortelli with musetto and kren; Crespelle with savoy cabbage, sausage and Seuka apple
Agriturismo I BENANDANTI***° di Martina e Tancredi, Treppo Grande 33010 UD, loc. Borgobello via Case sparse 1 (strada per Buja) tel.339-6705386 392-8034546 www.ibenandanti.it / Open friday 17-23.00, saturady sunday and public holidays 11-23.00 Tortelli of season
Agriturismo LA COVA DEL CERVO***° di Antonello Vit, CASSACCO 33010 UD, via Calvario 27, tel.347-0321212 www.lacovadelcervo.com / Open friday and saturday 19.30-24.00, sunday and public holidays 12.30-17.00/19.30-24.00 / Touristic accommodation Ravioli with deer meat; Crespelle
Agriturismo CONTESSI***° Manuel, SAN DANIELE del Friuli 33038 UD, borgo Chiamansi via Regane 12, tel./ fax. 0432-940988 347-1124377 www.agriturismocontessi.com / Open thursday evening, friday saturday and sunday noon and evening (January and February closed)) Cjarsons and Ravioloni with various fillings (chicory, speck, mushrooms and walnuts...)
Ristorante L’OSTERIA di Villa Codelli***° di Luigi e Gloria, MOSSA 34070 GO, via dei Codelli 23, tel.0481-808104 / Open whole year (monday closed); in holiday days non stop cooking Ravioli with meat and vegetables
Trattoria BLANCH***°, MOSSA 34070 GO, via Blanchis 35, tel.0481-80020
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/ Tuesday evening and wednesday closed Tortellini with meat; Ravioli with boletus mushrooms
Lokanda DEVETAK****, Savogna d'Isonzo 34070 GO, loc. S.Michele del Carso Brežici 22, tel.0481-882488 331-9846067 www.devetak.com / Open wednesday and thursday evening, friday saturaday and sunday noon and evening Aperto mercoledì e giovedì a cena, venerdì sabato e domenica a pranzo e cena (Osteria18-24.00) Raviolo open with fruit